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Column Cap Vintage White (West)

Vintage white column cap closely resembles the snow-white color, featuring ivory and cream tones. Available with a sandstone base and provides a fresh feel all around. Soft tones brighten up the outdoor area when combined with vibrant flooring stone or borders. Properties like durability, longevity, and ability to resist weathering conditions make it suitable for outdoor applications.

Sizes Available in
24″x24″x1¼”± West, Northwest
24″x24″x2″± West, Northwest, East, South, Wisconsin


Sizes Pcs. / Box Boxes / Pallet Sq.Ft. / Pallet (Approx.) Pcs / Pallet Weight / Pallet (Approx.) lbs
24″x24″x1¼”± Loose Loose 112 28 1750
24″x24″x2″± Loose Loose 80 20 1850


Additional information

Color Composition


Stone Type

Stone Finish

Product Finish

Level of Variation

Application Areas


