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Thin Veneer Ledge – Silver Pearl (West & East)

The combination of grey and black comprises silver pearl thin veneer. The roughly cut pieces of rectangular stripes give a unique look to the wall. One can use it to make wallpaper-like designs on a single wall of the room. Equally suits the outdoor pillars, retaining walls, facade, etc.

Sizes Available in
Flat 1″ West, Northwest, East, South, Wisconsin
Corner 1″ West, Northwest, East, South, Wisconsin
Sizes Pcs. / Box Boxes / Pallet Sq.Ft. / Pallet (Approx.) Pcs / Pallet Weight / Pallet (Approx.) lbs
Flat 1″ LOOSE LOOSE 200 2300
Corner 1″ LOOSE LOOSE 80 lft 1100


