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Wall Cap Antique Black (West & East)

Antique black wall cap depicts hues of black and charcoal with a tumbled finish. This limestone capstone can be used with a wide variety of other natural stone products due to the ability to blend in or contrast depending on the hues and features it is paired with. The combination of ledgestone and limestone wall cap accents the outdoor wall.


Sizes Available in
12″x24″x1¼”± West, Northwest
12″x24″x2″± East, South, Wisconsin
14″x24″x2″± East, South, Wisconsin
16″x24″x2″± West, Northwest


Sizes Pcs. / Box Boxes / Pallet Sq.Ft. / Pallet (Approx.) Pcs / Pallet Weight / Pallet (Approx.) lbs
12″x24″x1¼”± LOOSE LOOSE 168 84 3080
12″x24″x2″± LOOSE LOOSE 120 60 2300
14″x24″x2″± LOOSE LOOSE 103 44 2950
16″x24″x2″± LOOSE LOOSE 107 40 3000


