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Wall Cap California Gold (West & East)

California gold slate stone depicts beautiful shades of gold, rust, browns, greys, etc. The application of this robust color natural stone on the garden fence or retaining wall will enhance the overall look of the patio. The smooth surface finish and the chiseled edge of the slate is the most notable feature of California gold.

Sizes Available in
12″x24″x1½”± West, Northwest
14″x24″x2″± East, South, Wisconsin
Sizes Pcs. / Box Boxes / Pallet Sq.Ft. / Pallet (Approx.) Pcs / Pallet Weight / Pallet (Approx.) lbs
12″x24″x1½”± LOOSE LOOSE 150 75 2800
14″x24″x2″± LOOSE LOOSE 103 44 2850


