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Treads Indian Bluestone (West & East)
Indian bluestone comprises darker tones of blue and grey. Limestone stone with a natural finish is perfect to accent indoor and outdoor stairs. Bluestone featuring hardness is ideal for pool stairs or patio stair applications.
Sizes Available in 48″x12″x1½”± East, South, West, Northwest, Wisconsin 48″x14″x1½”± East, South, Wisconsin 60″x16″x1½”± West, Northwest 72″x12″x1½”± East, South, Wisconsin 72″x14″x1½”± East, South, Wisconsin 72″x18″x1½”± East, South, Wisconsin PACKING
Sizes Pcs. / Box Boxes / Pallet Sq.Ft. / Pallet (Approx.) Pcs / Pallet Weight / Pallet (Approx.) lbs 48″x12″x1½”± LOOSE LOOSE 72 18 1550 48″x14″x1½”± LOOSE LOOSE 70 15 1550 60″x16″x1½”± LOOSE LOOSE 120 18 2650 72″x12″x1½”± LOOSE LOOSE 90 15 1980 72″x14″x1½”± LOOSE LOOSE 105 15 2300 72″x18″x1½”± LOOSE LOOSE 135 15 3000